

Servad, piirded




Graniitkillustiku tööd


Kivipaigaldus tööd


Istutusala muru sees


Istutusala ja murutööd

– Landscape 


Garden is a place to reflect, calm down, stop, look, listen, and heal.


We wish to provide best possible solutions  for our clients to create the greenery just to meet the reguirements and needs of the clients  and to make maximum use of the possibilities of the plot in designing the garden.  Providing services to both private and public sector clients, our services include landscaping, design, construction, planting, maintenance and garden renovation works.

Our staff have a long experience, they are professionals in landscape gardening construction and protection of plants. Above all they love nature and their natural work. They possess the skills to imagine and plan the dynamics of the of a garden in the next five, ten or more years. The landscape designer keeping as much as possible the already existing plants and the style of your garden, and taking into consideration the degree of the light, condition of the soil.

During the whole period of our activities we have considered the reliability and the quality of works done important. Our ultimate goal for each project has been to create an emotional connection between our clients and their gardens – to create beautiful and elegant gardens for people to enjoy for many years into the future.


 Landscape  – Landscape –

Garden design   I   Establishing of the garden   I   Maintenance of the garden   I   Gallery


Aiakaar Landscape is a full-service garden design / maintenance firm founded in 2003.

Customer satisfaction is and will always be the driving force and principal goal of this company.